Saturday, July 9, 2011


I don't even know where to begin. I finally got the closure I needed. And now, it's my time. Where do I begin? I got so wrapped up and consumed with my 'situation' and being wronged that I haven't stopped to think about what I really need. So, if there is anyone out there that knows what I need. I am open to suggestions.
I have noticed that I have made this blog about what has happened to me. And that is not what my intent was. I wanted this to be a healing process. A place to vent my feelings. And so, from now on. This is about me and me alone. How I am healing and finding myself. I am no longer a victim of my circumstances.
P.S. How does one 'find themselves'? I know physically where I am, and mentally I have all my marbles. So, where am I finding myself at?


  1. Well, I know it helps me when Im feeling disheartened, to read stories of people who have survived far worse than my current situation, but also thrived. I recommend Holocaust survivor stories like Night~Elia Weisel, or Man Search for Meaning~Viktor Frankel. When you listen to their narratives, it is hard to feel sorry for yourself and your situation. Good luck, you are searching for the same thing everyone is searching for. Think of it as a journey, an adventure, a saga. <3

  2. You look inside and see what you like and what makes you happy. You go to school to do what you love to do, you get a job that makes you happy to be there, you find friends that make you happy and smile, you find activities for your kids to do that you also have an interest in.... things will start to fall into place as you go along.... you do whatever it is that YOU like!!!

  3. the anonymous comment is from Donna Jordan.... :)
