Saturday, November 26, 2011

Making History

You know, I don't think I have an enemy out there. I'm sure someone doesn't like me. But I don't know about it. So, if everyone likes me, that means I haven't stood up for myself. I haven't spoken my mind. I have always behaved. And as the saying goes, Well behaved Women, Rarely Make History.  Well, honey. I'm about to make some history. I'm tired of dealing with people just because I don't want to hurt their feelings, meanwhile, I'm dying inside. Move over, cause Kimmie is coming alive! I'm going to be who I am. Like what I like. No excuses accepted! And if said person doesn't like it. Tough shit. I am who I am. I was made in God's image, and God loves me. THAT is all I need.  Much love to all who put up with me. I am a handful and do crazy things, but your love is what pulls me through the stupidity!


  1. i happen to think that your pretty amazing kim, and you need to stand up for yourself :) but even without standing up and making a scene. you make history for your children and show them a future that has endless possibilities, you are strong and hardworking. so no matter what things you show about yourself stand up proud and show everyone what you've got :) <3 Cristy

  2. Thank you Cristy. Those words spoke straight to my heart. I want to show my kids what a strong woman is, but I struggle with it everyday. I hope to make even the slightest of impact in their worlds. They deserve so much more than what I am going through!!!
