Sunday, August 7, 2011


I wish there was someone here to wipe my tears. Why does everything I do have to be so hard. Why is it so hard to be alone. Why is it so hard to have a man love me, for me. I keep blaming myself. Am I really that unlovable? Am I that undesirable? I get so down on myself so fast. I know it's not my fault, but it sure is easy to blame myself for this. It's easy to think that I am damaged goods and that no one in their right mind is going to want me. I mean, really, who would??? All I can do is cling to the words of friends and family. That I will find someone worth loving, and someone who loves me for me and loves my kids. period.

1 comment:

  1. Never be defined by a man! It is never about how desirable we are or if we are worthy, or lovable. When a man seeks another it is about their own insecurity and the need to feel that newness and not work on what takes a real man to work on. They run, they can't face what is real. That defines His weakness and will eventually make him the victim of his own choices. Real life is difficult, You are a real women that is not only lovable but, defined by the children you will raise, and the friends and family whose lives you touch daily. You are defined by what you give out real love that you receive back unconditionally from you children. You will get back 7x what you lost. I guarantee it!
