Monday, August 15, 2011

Like it's an option

Sadly, I am not the only woman going through this shithole. So, apparently there is a clause in a marriage vow that lets the man do what he wants when he wants, because it's an option. I have friends, and friends of friends going through this, because apparently it's an option. I am lucky I have parents that let me move in, but some of these ladies and their children are not. And, so now we as wives, who gave these men everything, are now struggling, because apparently, it's an option. Walking away from a family, you made a commitment to, IS NOT AN OPTION. You make vows, before God, and it's NOT AN OPTION. Leaving for some younger, uglier piece of tail, NOT AN OPTION. Get over yourselves and get back to loving the life you have chosen, asshole!

1 comment:

  1. Yes well apparently that clause works both ways as both me and my best friend were dropped like a rock by our former WIVES who just couldn't handle a temporary rough patch or plain just didn't care to remain faithful. Why do these men and women leave the best thing in their lives? We may never know. only one thing is for sure, You do deserve better than his sorry ass!
